Frequently Asked Questions about Shoplytics

...and the matching answers from us

How does Shoplytics differ from other tracking tools like Adverfly, Tracify, Hyros, Tripple-Whale, and others of this kind?

Direct comparison is not possible. It would be like trying to compare apples with guitars, or hammers with saws. Shoplytics performs a completely different task than the mentioned tools and is therefore not comparable. How does Shoplytics differ? Shoplytics is a complete tracking management software and takes over the management of all tracking pixels and scripts fully automatically. Instead of "just" sending conversions to the advertising networks (like Google, Meta, etc.) and distributing the share of sales to individual advertising channels, Shoplytics takes care of the entire tracking including the construction of retargeting audiences (and much more). (See navigation point "Features" for details). In addition, the data via Shoplytics flows directly into the advertising and analytics accounts of your customers and not to our own servers. You and your customers have/retain data sovereignty. Your accounts - your data. This ensures more independence.

Will my existing tracking setup be completely overturned? Am I risking a disaster in training the algorithms of Google and Facebook?

No. Of course not :) Shoplytics initially runs only "secondarily" and in parallel to your existing setup for observation. If it then turns out that the data from Shoplytics delivers much higher quality and a higher number of conversions, then you can calmly make the "switch" from your existing system to Shoplytics.

How and why can you offer this so cheaply and without a setup fee and still have the complete tracking up and running within 24 hours?

I can tell you part of it - the other part is proprietary technology: Our magical tracking soup :) But as with any "Software as a Service" solution, the majority of the setup tasks are automated. In addition, over the past few years, we have been able to adapt and standardize the entire system for all possible situations through our absolute focus on tracking conversions and target groups. Conversions are just conversions. Whether your system is called Shopware, Shopify, WooCommerce, WordPress, Wix, Gambio, or something else. Data is data. And over the years and many thousands of developer hours, Shoplytics has learned to adopt the standard of each system. This has resulted in a "plug and play" solution. Click-and-track.

Is Shoplytics compatible with every shop system and really every consent management system?

Yes. Here too: Over many years, we have adopted the standards of all shop and consent systems. Even if you have a completely self-made (self-programmed HTML, PHP, etc.) system - Shoplytics handles it without any problems. Do you have further questions? Would you like to use Shoplytics for one of your customers for testing purposes? Let's talk briefly. Then I can show you the procedure and the software in detail and answer all your questions.

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Summary: Maximum Efficiency, Minimal Effort: Automated Conversion Tracking for Your Customers

Shoplytics takes over complete conversion tracking, giving you more time to focus on the essentials: your customer relationships.

As a traffic and marketing agency, you focus on delivering effective traffic and convincing marketing for your customers. But the key to this is clean, precise tracking and conversion data. In a world characterized by constant technological changes and new data protection regulations, maintaining the quality and availability of this data is challenging. Your success and the satisfaction of your customers depend on a flawless flow of data from their shops and websites.

We take this burden off your shoulders. With over ten years of experience, my team and I at Shoplytics have specialized in supporting traffic agencies like yours. We ensure that you always have the data you need – reliably, completely, and GDPR-compliant. Our system is in use on hundreds of websites and ready for use within 24 hours. We take care of the tracking, and you use the data to generate ready-to-buy traffic. Do you need additional target groups or special conversion signals? A call is all it takes, and we provide everything you need. This is tracking as a service on the next level.

Trust Shoplytics and secure the technical edge for maximum traffic quality and campaign performance.

I look forward to getting to know you:

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(Florian Schoel - Founder and CTO at Shoplytics®)